2024.06.03 (월)

Tenth Anniversary of the Heritage Caretakers Program
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Tenth Anniversary of the Heritage Caretakers Program

The Cultural Heritage Administration (CHA) is holding a ceremony to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the launch of Heritage Caretakers, a conservation program that relies upon the participation of local communities. The event will be held in the Daejeon Seogu Culture Center at 14:00 on October 22. It will host a minimum number of in-person participants in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. It will be broadcast online through the CHA YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/chluvu).

Through the Heritage Caretakers program, the Cultural Heritage Administration supports everyday preventative conservation activities at both designated (either nationally or locally) and non-designated heritage sites. Activities covered by this heritage upkeep program can be categorized into monitoring, minor repair work, and routine maintenance. The program was launched in 2010 as a pilot project in five provinces and metropolitan cities.

Ten years later, the program is being implemented in 17 provinces and metropolitan cities, with 23 Heritage Caretakers groups protecting 8,126 heritage sites nationwide. A full legal basis for the implementation of the program was laid in June of this year when a relevant provision was included in the revision of the Cultural Heritage Protection Act.

Attended by the head of the Cultural Heritage Administration and members from the Heritage Caretakers support center and local Heritage Caretakers groups, the 10-year anniversary ceremony will begin with the screening of a commemorative video clip on the history of the program. The highlight of the event will be an awards ceremony for Heritage Caretakers groups and their members for their meritorious activities. The event will provide an opportunity to look back over the past decade and prepare a new vision for the years to come.

Besides this ceremony, the Cultural Heritage Administration is planning other commemorative activities. A book is being compiled summarizing the achievements of the Heritage Caretakers program and a forum will be held to discuss the vision of the program. These activities will be carried out under the theme "From 10 Years of Caretaking to the Next 100 Together." In addition, efforts are underway to develop a new font within this year named Heritage Caretakers Font. Once completed, it will be made accessible to the public free of charge.

As it commemorates the 10th anniversary of the Heritage Caretakers program, the Cultural Heritage Administration will endeavor to further expand this conservation program and refresh its commitment to establishing a more systematic and stable environment for heritage conservation.